If you have a finished concrete staircase, you don't have to do without a warm wooden surface. Give your concrete staircase the finishing touch - with solid wood covering steps! Even if your staircase is already concreted, you don't have to do without the warmth and elegance of a wooden surface. Our covering steps in a modern folded design or in a classic look fit in perfectly and set stylish accents. Choose from a variety of colours and finishes to harmoniously match the look of your staircase to your existing floor or parquet floor. Turn your staircase into a real highlight - timelessly beautiful and functional at the same time. We are also pleased to offer the matching railing.
STAIRCASES – stairs on concrete from TS CONCEPT Luxemburg, designed with ♥ by Tino Schreier.
Do you have questions and would like a quote? Feel free to call us at (+352) 270 774-1 or send us a message. wooden staircases, glass staircases, metal staircases, stainless steel staircases, stringer staircases, space-saving staircases, gallery staircases, folding design staircases, zigzag stairs, cantilever staircases, floating stairs, self-supporting staircases, centre rail staircases, spiral staircases, stairs on concrete, indoor stairs, staircase renovation, handrails, wall handrails, railings, glass railings, metal railings, wooden railings, natural stone finish
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