Staircase replacement is made easy with TS CONCEPT Stairs & Interior Design
The renovation of existing houses has become an interesting alternative for many people in view of the current high costs of building new family homes. With well thought-out planning, a thoroughly renovated and modernised old building is often in no way inferior to a new one. It offers the desired comfort, often has more charm and is mostly situated in a better location with an established structure.
It is not only the building itself or individual rooms that are renovated, the staircase should also be replaced on this occasion. There are not only optical reasons for a new staircase, but also safety reasons for replacing the old staircase with a new, modern one. There are a variety of options for every budget. Personal advice on the realisation of new staircases and railings for renovation projects in Luxemburg is available to private customers, architects and property developers at TS CONCEPT in Wecker. Various types of stairs can be viewed and tested in the company's showroom. From detailed support in the planning phase to qualified assembling, the customer can expect an all-round carefree package. You want to renovate and renew your stairs? No problem! Call (+352) 270 774-1 to make an appointment for a personal consultation. Since 2008, TS CONCEPT has been one of the region's top suppliers of custom-made, high-quality staircases and railings as well as individual built-in wardrobes and sliding doors for upscale interior design. Sustainability and customer satisfaction are the highest goals of owner Tino Schreier and his team.
Find your new dream staircase with us
Customised built-in wardrobes from TS CONCEPT
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