Find your new dream staircase with us
You want to renovate your home and your current staircase no longer suits the new style of living? No problem! Not only optical reasons speak for a new staircase, but also for your safety we recommend the renovation. A staircase can be easily and cost-effectively replaced with a new, modern model. We are happy to help you with the implementation!
There are many options for staircase renovation to suit every budget: self-supporting bolt staircases, spiral staircases, space-saving staircases, stringer staircases, centre-rail or two-rail staircases, ... just to name a few models. In any case, an open staircase without risers makes the room look much larger and brighter and creates a completely new feeling of space.
Customised built-in wardrobes from TS CONCEPT
Staircase replacement is made easy with TS CONCEPT Stairs & Interior Design
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